After the fiasco in our previous casting session, John and I really needed a win before attempting to cast my wife Jessica's pregnant body. We weren't going to get a lot of shots at her in that state, so we knew that making a successful positive from life was essential. At least this way we would have her form frozen in time, after which we could take our time making a more meticulous permanent mold from the plaster positive.
So John and I invited model Alexandra back to the studio for another casting session, except this time instead of just her arm, we were going to go for a long torso with a twist. It was an ambitious attempt, but if we stuck to materials and methods we had already become familiar with, we thought that we could pull it off. Our goal was not just to make a reliable cast, but also to do it in a time frame that would be comfortable for a woman in the last month of her pregnancy. We would have to work expeditiously, but without compromising process to the point where we might lose fidelity in the cast. Alexandra's pose put a lot of weight on one leg, which made it difficult (despite her fitness) to maintain the pose deep into the mold-making process. Working with her on this project really gave a good sense of how to get the job done well without overly stressing our model.
The picture above shows an appropriately exhausted John seated next to what is arguably our best cast to date. I think we are finally ready to take the next step, which is to cast Jessica's pregnant body.
Above is Alexandra inspecting her cast, and below is what I believe to be the nice detail of the neck and collar bone captured by the alginate mold-making process.